Dividend Growth Stock List

This is our list of dividend growth stocks. Dividend growth stocks are equities that have increased their dividends on a regular basis for a number of years. You may click any table heading below to sort the stocks as you need. The years column indicates the number of years of consecutive dividend growth.

You are currently viewing dividend growth stocks limited to the sector REIT. Go Back to the full dividend growth stock list.

DLRDigital Realty TrustREIT60.000.000.00
ELSEquity LifeStyle PropertiesREIT70.000.000.00
ESSEssex Property TrustREIT160.000.000.00
FRTFederal Realty Inv. TrustREIT430.000.000.00
GTYGetty Realty Corp.REIT110.000.000.00
HCPHCP Inc.REIT260.000.000.00
IRETInvestors Real Estate TrustREIT390.000.000.00
NNNNational Retail PropertiesREIT210.000.000.00
ORealty Income Corp.REIT170.000.000.00
OFCCorporate Office Properties TrustREIT130.000.000.00
OHIOmega Healthcare InvestorsREIT80.000.000.00
SKTTanger Factory Outlet CentersREIT170.000.000.00
SNHSenior Housing Properties TrustREIT70.000.000.00
UBAUrstadt Biddle PropertiesREIT170.000.000.00
UHTUniversal Health Realty TrustREIT220.000.000.00
WREWashington REITREIT390.000.000.00

Go Back to the full dividend growth stock list.

IMPORTANT: The above table is fairly accurate, but data anomalies may exist, we provide no warranty as to the accuracy of the data. Please confirm prices and yields with your broker before making a trade. A listing in the above table is not a recommendation to purchase any stock. Before making an investment decision you should seek the help of your own financial advisor.